Thursday, June 16, 2011

Current Goals

So, as I try to get this blog going again, I'm thinking of all of the things that are rattling around in this brain of mine.  My current goals for my life are:

  • To have a fun summer with my boys before C starts kindergarten in the fall.  (Can't believe that's even possible!!!)
  • To get my household organized.
  • Try to keep my house a little more presentable.  (Ha!  I laugh because that's so tough for me.)
  • To lose weight.
  • To start exercising on a regular basis.
  • To feed my family healthier meals.
  • To save money where I can.
  • To be "green".

In order to accomplish these goals, I have many, many ideas for little steps I can take along the way.  So, that's where I'm going to start here.

Today, Mom and I took the boys out to garage sales.  We had a pretty good day.  I found a few bargains.  The boys, as usual, spent way too much money on toys (some of which didn't even work, as usual).  I found a couple pieces of art for my walls (now I just have to figure out where to hang them!), and a few baskets to help me with my organization.  I also found a book, The One-Minute Organizer Plain & Simple by Donna Smallin, which I'm hoping will give me a few tips to help me reach my goals.

Tomorrow, we have to go to the grocery store.  I've been trying to do a little of the Extreme Couponing.  I'm definitely NOT extreme!  But, I'm thinking it's a good start for me to cut some of my household costs!  I've started a stockpile and we just bought a second refrigerator (LOVE Craigslist!).  I also checked out a book at the library called Don't Panic--Dinner's in the Freezer.  I'm hoping to get into a routine of cooking a bunch of meals in one day to freeze and reheat later on.  Especially since I don't like to use my oven much in the summer and with all of our outdoor activities, I find myself not wanting to cook a lot of the time.  So, now I need to start thinking about my meal plan and grocery list!

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