Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My baby turns 4!

I can't believe my baby turned 4 yesterday! How does time pass so quickly??? I waited so long to have him and now he's 4! I had wanted a baby years earlier, but the time wasn't right. We got married when Jason was still in college, so I waited. After he graduated, we moved and we both started new jobs, so I waited. Jason wasn't ready, so I waited. Finally, after we had been married for 8 years, we started trying to have a baby. That wasn't easy for us either though. Getting pregnant was never a problem for me. It was keeping the pregnancies that proved a challenge. I lost our first baby at 8 weeks. I got pregnant again as soon as the doctor said it was ok. We found out that I was carrying triplets! Crazy! I was not on fertility drugs. It was natural! But, the excitement didn't last long before I miscarried again. But then came C! With a little help from chemistry, I finally had my baby boy! What a happy day!!! Now, 4 years have passed and I have no idea where the time went? He's such a big boy! Not my little baby anymore. But, last night, as I was on my way to bed, I peeked in his room as I always do, and saw that he was awake and laying with his head at the foot of his bed. It was beginning to storm and he told me that he was afraid (which is very unusual because he's never afraid of storms). I asked him if he wanted Mommy to lay with him for a while and, of course, he did. So I crawled in bed with my baby and we both fell asleep. He may not be my little baby anymore, but he's still Mommy's boy! I love you, C!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Welcome to my Blog!

So, here's my blog! I don't really have much to say as of yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something soon! I am currently sitting here while my boys are "napping" and I'm looking around at my mess of a house that I really should be working on...but, I don't want to make noise and wake up the boys, right?! So, I'll just rest myself instead. It's no wonder my house is a mess as I have not been home too much lately! Busy, busy, busy! But, what do I ever get accomplished??? I remember before I had kids and I was working full-time outside of the house, wondering what in the world my mom did with her time. She didn't even have a j-o-b and she was always running and very busy, but I couldn't see that she was really getting anything done. Well, now I understand! Well, I know how it is, anyway. I still don't really understand it. Just like this house or the laundry...I can work and work and work and it might look nice for an hour and the laundry might be caught up for half a day, but then it's right back where I started. It's a vicious circle and it just makes me tired thinking about it! Maybe that's why I feel the need to rest right now! Ok, well, enough of that! For now, I'll just turn on my soap opera and veg out till the boys are up and I have to go, go, go again!